NEW article on „authoritarian-caring“ parenting styles in China, France and the US by Jean-Baptiste Pettier

This article reflects on the comparable dimensions of scholarly competition in what the author names „late post-revolutionary societies,“ in this case China, France and the US. In this essay, Jean-Baptiste Pettier tracks the emergence of an „authoritarian-caring“ parenting style in the three societies and suggests to link this elite educational strategy with the equalitarianism ethos of the revolutions which these societies previously experienced. The author maintains that the revolutionary opposition to inherited privilege paradoxically transformed higher education and marriage into ultra-competitive open markets.

2023, „Just Merit? Authoritarian-Caring Parenting Style in China and the Challenge of Inequality and Hierarchy in Late Post-Revolutionary Societies.“ In Susanne Bregnbaek, Noomi Matthiesen, Anja Marschall (eds), Special issue „Politics of Parenting“ Qualitative Studies 8(2): 79-100 . [Open Access]

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